
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

We Are

Helping Today. Helping Tommorow

The United American Muslim Association (UAMA) was established on May 29th 1980 to provide permanent solutions for the Muslims in North America with their religious needs, primarily by providing appropriate places to worship and providing an Islamic education for the youth.

Starting point; In the light of the Sunnah and Quran, it is to raise and educate Muslims who benefit themselves, his family, his environment, his country and all of humanity. To provide an exceptional Islamic education in accordance with Ahli-Sunnah Wa’l-Jamaah for every Muslim with or without access to education.


UAMA also carries out activities that will allow Muslims living in North America to perform their worship such as, Zakah-Fitrah-Charity, Sacrifice/Udhiyyah, Funeral/Janazah, Wedding, etc..

UAMA has a desire for every person to maintain their Allah given purity, honesty, to have high morality, to gain superior qualities, to evolve in their knowledge, to transmit it to humanity and all of our brothers and sisters in any part of the world.

UAMA delivers the donations it collects from people with high awareness, to every needy person regardless of culture, race or ethnicity , by giving priority to education.

Although the priority of these donations is the Continent of America, it delivers the donations of its donors, who cannot be indifferent to the rest of the world, to those in need in cooperation with the aid organizations operating in relevant places.

UAMA also keenly controls and monitors its operations on behalf of its donors by expecting all the sensitivities it has from all organizations and partnerships.

“O servants of Allah!, be brothers. You are all the children of Adam, and Adam is created from earth.”

Beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 

What We Believe

Our Mission is to Help People

Our Vision

Our Mission

Our Values

Our Principles

UAMA has two important visions that have contributed to each other in the coming years:

To meet the infrastructure and staffing needs that can provide education to all our Muslim brothers and sisters who have a demand for education in our service region.

To be the best institution of this geography that is proud of its belonging and affiliation in North America.

In order to raise the future generations with high culture and to a high knowledgeable degree, providing high standard living conditions for our students is our prominent goal. With the qualified human resources created within the body of The UAMA, access to quality education is offered to all humanity, by doing so we are able to reach disadvantaged groups all across the globe.

The United American Muslim Association has chosen two main areas of activities:

To teach Islamic knowledge, faith, Islam and Akhlak-i Muhammadiyyah to every Muslim without exception, without allowing separation and discrimination. While staying loyal to Ahli-Sunnah.

Creating physical environments (Classroom-School-Mosque-Masjid-Kindergarten-Hall) where Muslims can fulfill their educational and religious duties completely, in a consistent manner.

The UAMA believes that a livable world can only be possible with people who have knowledge and sincere commitment (ikhlas). Reaching the religious knowledge and practice that every Muslim should have… to the large masses is considered as the first step of educational goals.

The UAMA acts with the principle of “Every Muslim should be raised in a beautiful way to benefit his environment and humanity by living an exemplary life.

  • Complete compliance with the Quran and Sunnah,
  • High sense of responsibility,
  • Transparency in processes,
  • The embracing sense of brotherhood,
  • Loyalty to the basic principles,
  • Ikhlas and sincerity,
  • Delivering services equally to everyone, regardless of language, race, gender and culture.
All organizational activities must fully comply with the words of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). No activity can be carried out with an attitude, approach and language that will not comply with human dignity and honor. Donations collected for our organization can only be spent within the limits determined by our donors and only for that purpose. In the activities of the association, there is an undeniable responsibility for transparency towards our community and especially our donors.