The night of Barā’ah (15th Sha‘bān) is one of the most sacred and spiritually significant nights in the Islamic calendar. Our beloved Prophet Muḥammad (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) has emphasized its virtues, encouraging believers to spend it in worship and devotion. Below is an exploration of its merits and a brief guide on how to make the most of this blessed occasion.
1. Prophetic Emphasis on Worship
“When it is the half of Sha‘bān, stand in ibādah (prayers) in its night and fast its day.”
— Ḥadīth
- Night Vigil (Qiyām): Spending the night in extra prayers such as Tahajjud, seeking forgiveness, and making heartfelt du‘ās.
- Day Fasting: It is recommended to fast on the 15th of Sha‘bān as an act of devotion and to gain closeness to Allāh Ta‘ālā.
2. Special 100 Rak‘ah Prayer
The Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) mentioned the tremendous virtue of offering 100 rak‘ahs on this night:
- Allāh sends 100 angels to the servant who performs this prayer:
- 30 bring glad tidings of Jannah (Paradise).
- 30 declare safety from the Fire of Jahannam (Hell).
- 30 protect from worldly calamities.
- 10 guard against the plots of Shayṭān (the devil).
Even though many of us may find 100 rak‘ahs challenging, praying additional units of nafl (voluntary) prayer with sincere devotion is highly meritorious. Aim for consistent, heartfelt worship.
3. Five Special Nights of Worship
“Whoever spends five nights in ibādah, Jannah will be due for them:
- Night of Tarwiyah (8th Dhul-Ḥijjah)
- Night of ‘Arafah (9th Dhul-Ḥijjah)
- Night of ‘Īd al-Aḍḥā (10th Dhul-Ḥijjah)
- Night of ‘Īd al-Fiṭr (1st Shawwāl)
- The Middle Night of Sha‘bān (15th Sha‘bān)”
This ḥadīth underscores the sacredness of these five nights. One of them, the Night of Barā’ah, is an unmissable opportunity to seek Allāh’s pleasure and forgiveness.
4. Key Characteristics of the Night of Barā’ah
- Decree of Affairs: On this night, many of the matters of one’s life—such as sustenance (rizq) and lifespan—are decreed.
- Descent of Mercy: The Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) stated that Allāh’s mercy descends to the lower heavens on this night.
- Forgiveness of Sins: Believers are granted forgiveness, and their sins are erased.
- Authority of Shafā‘ah (Intercession):
- On the 13th night of Sha‘bān: Permission granted to intercede for one-third of the ummah.
- On the 14th night: Permission granted to intercede for two-thirds.
- On the 15th night: Intercession extended to the entire ummah, except those who distance themselves from Allāh.
- Increasing the Zamzam Water: Symbolically, Allāh Ta‘ālā increases Zamzam water on this night, reflecting an increase in divine knowledge in the hearts of true believers.
5. Practical Tips for Worship
- Spiritual Preparation: Purify your intention. Spend some time in silence, reading Qur’ān or reflecting on your relationship with Allāh.
- Ishā’ & Tarāwīḥ-like Prayers: Perform your Ishā’ prayer with concentration. If possible, stay awake or take a short nap before standing again for extra prayers.
- Engage in Dhikr & Du‘ā: Repeat simple phrases of remembrance (dhikr) like Subḥānallāh, Alḥamdulillāh, Allāhu Akbar, and make sincere personal du‘ās.
- Qur’ānic Recitation: If you can, recite portions of the Qur’ān. Focus on understanding and reflecting upon the verses.
- Fasting: Conclude the night by having a light suḥūr (pre-dawn meal) and fast the following day. This was a practice loved by the Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam).